Caesar (Sezor) Phelps writes to Charles Phelps, informing him of his recent decisions in his role in the Continental Army. He then goes on to complain that he is not receiving wages for his service, asking Charles to send him a letter demanding his…
This document records the indenture of the twelve year old David Johnson by Elisha and Rachel Searl on February 11th, 1783. The record states that Johnson will work under Charles Phelps for eight years and eight months, during which time he will…
This letter was sent from Charles Phelps to his son, Moses Charles Porter Phelps on September 22cd, 1787. At the time, Moses was a student at the University of Cambridge, and his father lived in Hadley. Phelps begins the letter by letting his son…
Charles Phelps is writing to his son, Moses Porter Phelps, who is currently enrolled at Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The letter is dated August 31, 1787. He sends a bond via Mr. White of Watertown and instructs Moses to deliver the…
The receipt states that the congregation in Hadley sent $40.70 to Charles Phelps to fund the Hampshire Missionary Society. The Hampshire Missionary Society is essentially an organization dedicated to the support and spread of Christianity.
Father Charles Phelps sends a letter to his son Moses Charles Porter Phelps at his college in Cambridge (Harvard University). He explains that the family has not heard from their son in some time, and offers him an opportunity to send a letter back…
This document from 1766 originates from Albany and represents two promissory notes. Both notes, while distinct, have a shared commitment: the promise to pay Charles Phelps a sum of five pounds and ten shillings in New York Currency. This sum is…
From what was transcribed it is thought that this is a promissory note from [Augustus] Bostwick
For Phelps, in payment of 5 pounds 10 shillings worth merchantable beaver hats.
The document is quite clear, Charles paid seven dollars to be a member of the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture. The society was founded in 1792 and promoted experimentation and innovation in the field of agriculture. Prizes were…