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1766.11.25 — Promissory note for Charles Phelps, November 11, 1766
From what was transcribed it is thought that this is a promissory note from [Augustus] Bostwick
For Phelps, in payment of 5 pounds 10 shillings worth merchantable beaver hats.
For Phelps, in payment of 5 pounds 10 shillings worth merchantable beaver hats.
Porter-Phelps-Huntington Family Papers (Box 4, Folder 14)
University of Massachusetts Special Collections and University Archives
University of Massachusetts Special Collections and University Archives
Public domain
Promissory note
For value received, I promise to pay to onto Charles Phelps of his order the sum of five pounds ten shillings New York currency Worth in good merchandise bever [beaver] hats at money price on the twenty-fifth day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight.
Albany November 25th – 1766 [Augustus] Bostwick
Solomon Phelps
Samual Thompson
Albany November 25th – 1766
For value received —- I promise to pay onto Charles Phelps the sum of five pounds ten shillings New York currency worth in good Merchantable beaver hats at money price On the twenty-fifth day of February One thousand seven hundred & sixty-eight.
For Phelps [Augustus] Bostwick
Samual Thompson
Albany November 25th – 1766 [Augustus] Bostwick
Solomon Phelps
Samual Thompson
Albany November 25th – 1766
For value received —- I promise to pay onto Charles Phelps the sum of five pounds ten shillings New York currency worth in good Merchantable beaver hats at money price On the twenty-fifth day of February One thousand seven hundred & sixty-eight.
For Phelps [Augustus] Bostwick
Samual Thompson