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1776.09.30 - Sezor (Cesar) Phelps to Charles Phelps, Sept. 30, 1776
Sezor (Cesar) Phelps
Porter-Phelps-Huntington Family Papers (Box 4 Folder 12)
UMass Special Collections and University Archives
UMass Special Collections and University Archives
Sept. 30, 1776
Public Domain
Camp At Ticonderoga Sept the 30 ye 1776
Sir I take this opportunity to Enform you that I don’t Entend to Live with Capt Crantston if I Can helpit and I Would be glad if you Would send me a letter that I may git my Wagers for I have not got any of my Wagers and I Want to know how all the Folks Do at home and I desire your Prayers for me while in the Sarves and if you Determin to Sel me I Want you Shud Send me my Stock and Buckel. So no more at Present But I Remain your Ever Faithful Slave
Sezor Phelps
Sir I take this opportunity to Enform you that I don’t Entend to Live with Capt Crantston if I Can helpit and I Would be glad if you Would send me a letter that I may git my Wagers for I have not got any of my Wagers and I Want to know how all the Folks Do at home and I desire your Prayers for me while in the Sarves and if you Determin to Sel me I Want you Shud Send me my Stock and Buckel. So no more at Present But I Remain your Ever Faithful Slave
Sezor Phelps