Ouvrages Cités


Abraham Bosse, “Courtier Following Edict Against Superfluity in Dress.” https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/387554

Antoine Trouvain, “Troisième appartement” 1694.

Gary Vavel , “Wallbuilder Donald Trump” The Indy Star. 2016.  http://editorialcartoonists.com/cartoon/display.cfm/149138/

Gravure anonyme, “La Fronde” 1650. https://www.larousse.fr/encyclopedie/images/La_Fronde/1008244

Holly Dawsey, “The Best Dressed Celebrities At New York Fashion Week” 2019. https://www.glam.com/fashion/the-best-dressed-celebrities-at-spring-2019-nyfw/

“French 'yellow vest' protests, in 10th week, relatively peaceful” Reuters. 2019. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/01/20/world/politics-diplomacy-world/french-yellow-vest-protests-10th-week-relatively-peaceful/#.XND_9_ZFxPY

Louis Le Nain, “Famille de paysans dans un intérieur » 1642.

“Le comte de Chabannes. »  http://www.alalettre.com/actualite-lafayette-montpensier.php

Nanteuil, Robert, Charles Lebrun, and Gilles Rousselet « Portrait de Louis XIV. » 1663.

Nicole Jansen, “Dissumulation.” Appalachian State University. 2018.

Remerciment des imprimeurs a Monseigneur le cardinal Mazarin » 1649. https://hollis.harvard.edu/primo-explore/fulldisplaycontext=L&vid=HVD2&search_scope=everything&tab=everything&lang=en_US&docid=01HVD_ALMA512262101290003941


Castiglione, Le Livre du courtisan

Jon R. Snyder, Dissimulation and Secrecy

Louis XIV, Mémoires pour l’instruction du dauphi

Madame de Lafayette, La Princesse de Montpensier

Madame de Villedieu: Le Favori

Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process I: The History of Manners

Racine, Phèdre


Overholt, John: "Mazarinades"

Ouvrages Cités