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1789.06.01 — Charles Phelps to Moses Charles Porter Phelps, June 1, 1789

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1789.06.01 — Charles Phelps to Moses Charles Porter Phelps, June 1, 1789


Charles Phelps is writing to his son Moses while he is in college, informing Moses he hopes he is doing well and learning as well as behaving. Charles also suggests Moses write in his free time and not play cards. Charles goes on to inform Moses that he has not been able to send shoes yet due to his inability to obtain leather, but if this becomes an immediate concern, Moses should get some at Cambridge.


Charles Phelps


Porter-Phelps-Huntington Family Papers (Box 4, Folder 5)
University of Massachusetts Special Collections and University Archives




Public domain





My Son - Hadley 1st - June 1789
Having an Opportunity by Mr. Porter, would inform you we are all well - have not heard from you since I left Cambridge - I hope you improve your Time well - much may be done by you now - to furnish yourself with knowledge for your future usefulness in Life - you will consider the Eyes of many are on you - and it is expected you will behave like one who has had advantages beyond many - while you are not immediately imployed in your Studies, it would be much to your advantage to improve your vacant hours in writing - which will be greatly advantageous (scratched out something) on many accounts - you will avoid all unlawful Plays especially card playing and ever behave yourself with decency and good Manner - so as to obtain the Character of a Virtuous and good Scholar —
I expected to have sent your Shoes - but have not been able to get any leather yet - if you cannot waite any longer you must get a pair at Cambridge - you will write every Opportunity you have - I am your Affectionate
Father Charles Phelps

1-H My father
June 1 1789
Mr. Mores Porter Phelps

Favor by Mr. Porter
From my father
Dated 1 June 1789

C. Phelps June 1. 1789