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1832.06.30 Mary Huntington to Elizabeth W. P. Huntington, Jun 30, 1832
In this letter, Mary writes to her mother, Elizabeth, and agrees that she should accompany her cousin to communion. Mary laments that she cannot have such discussions about religion with her friends, and not only does she wish to make a public profession of her faith, but she wishes that her brothers would join her—even though she does not have the authority to ask them. However, Mary fears that she will not return home from Mrs. Willard’s school before the first Sabbath in August. The examination is to begin July 25 th and last one week, so that the girls may return home sooner, and Mary wishes to know the plans regarding her return in the next letter. She fears that she must wait for her sister Elizabeth, whose homecoming is also uncertain. Finally, there is also a cholera outbreak in New York and Fort Millar, adding urgency to her homecoming. Though Mrs. Willard says she looks pale, Mary writes that her health is as usual, and that she wishes to return home as soon as possible. Even still, Mary asks her family to pray for her and to let her know their plans for her homecoming as soon as possible.
Mary Huntington
Porter-Phelps-Huntington Family Papers (Box 20, Folder 13)
Amherst College Archives and Special Collections
Amherst College Archives and Special Collections
Jun 30, 1832
Public Domain
Troy June 30 th 1832.
Dearest Mother
Your letter I received this noon. Like all your other letters it gladdened and comforted my heart, by the piety and sympathy which it breathed.
My sentiments with regard to coming to the communion are in unison with your own, as you will perceive by my last letter to you, which I hope [and?] this, you have received. You ask if it would not be advisable for me to accompany cousin for a line to the Lords table. If I know my own wishes upon the subject, I think I can truly say that I should think it would. But what I fear is, that I shall not be at home as soon as the first Sabbath in August. In case I should not, is there no way by which I could jour[ney] come forward to the Communion? If there can be any steps taken relative to this I should think it would like to know it as soon as you can let me know.
You ask me too, if I have not by this time discovered that nothing but the favor of God, and the Spirit of Christ’s religion, can satisfy me. I should be a poor learner indeed, if after all the dealings of God’s providence, I should continue as thoughtless as ever. Guilty as I am, and as far as I am from the right way, still I wish to be on the Lord’s side, and be numbered among his own peculiar people. Indeed to think of being an enemy to him who has laid down his life for us is enough to destroy all the comfort, for this life, and that which is to come. How I should enjoy a conversation with my friends now, upon these things. If you are all as usual at home, I imagine you are preparing to welcome the approach of another Sabbath. And though we are separated from each other, still I suppose our meditations upon the coming holy day will be similar. How consoling to think that the same [&?] mighty power and goodness encircles us all, though he is as high above us as to be invisible to our mortal eyes. As it is rather late I must bid you goodnight.
July 1 st Sabbath Evening. My dear mother I am have been spared to enjoy another Sabbath and am in comfortable health. Both parts of the day I have attended public worship, at Mr. Tucker’s church. We had an excellent discourse this morning, from these words, “Look unto me, and be ye saved,” all &.C. This afternoon the sacrament of the Lords Supper was administered. While they were celebrating this solemn rite, I could not but think with what feelings of I should for the first time approach my Saviours table, if I should be permitted to return home. Mrs. Willard has made some alteration with regard to the examination, intending to have it earlier than before expected, but as I do not wish to enter largely into this subject this evening, suffice it to say, that my life and health are spared, and if you will send for me I shall hope to be at home by the first of Sabbath in August. If God in mercy should grant this, I should like at that time to make a public profession of my faith in Christ, if Mr. Stearns should think proper. It is the wish of my heart that in this solemn act, my brothers should join with me. As to the older ones I know it is not for me to advise them, but Frederic I feel as if I had more right to counsel, you said all that was necessary to us both last winter, and I can only say now that my opinions agree with those you expressed at that time. If we are all alive and well at the close of the term, it is my wish that I should be sent for, as the uncertainty respecting Elizabeth’s coming would make it rather unpleasant for me. Good night dear mother.
Monday, July 2 d . This morning Mrs. Willard informed the scholars that if nothing happens to prevent, the examination will commence three weeks precisely, from tomorrow which is the third. It is by her authority therefore that I say this. It is my wish that some one should come after me before the examination closes as it would be very desirable for me—providence permitting—to be at home by the first of August. This I think deserves to be taken into consideration. There is so much doubt about sister Elizabeth’s coming that I should not like it to have it depend upon this. You are aware my dear mother how irksome it is for young people to be obliged to [illegible—damaged]. I will leave it with you to persuade Father, and [illegible—damaged] as soon as possible the result. Mrs. W. told me at table this morning that I looked pale but my health is nearly as good as usual.
I hardly dare to look forward to the pleasures of going home. Every thing this side the grave is so uncertain that it seems wrong to calculate upon any thing of an earthly nature. It is nearly time for study hours to commence and I must say goodbye for the present.
Monday noon. I am a little disappointed at not receiving a letter, to day, but shall look for one tomorrow. I hope there will be no mistake about the time that the vacation commences. Mrs. Willard herself said that it the examination would begin the 25 th , and will probably last a week, this is to avoid having a great crowd, and so that the girls can leave a week sooner. Though the teachers most of them will remain probably the next week, still I do not think there will be a good opportunity to study, then. Does Is it your own ju[dgement] advice that I should wait for Elizabeth? If I am alive and well at that time, and if it is impossible for you to send for me, could you not give direc[tions?—damaged] for sending me home in the stage? How my pen as well as my thoughts run upon this. Pray for me that my mind may be staged upon the Rock of Ages, and that amid all the vicissitudes of the present would my heart may reprove itself upon God through Christ, and that I may have an unfailing portion in heaven.
Tuesday July 3 d . Mrs. W. told us this morning that there were reports of cases of C cholera in N. York and Fort Millar. She is going to call the trustees together this evening to consult with them. Do just as you think best about sending for me. She says she does not know but the parents had rather their children with them at such a time. May the Lord in mercy avert from us this terrible judgement. I hope if we are all alive and well I shall not fail of seeing some of our family after me before the first of August. Write soon and let me know your plans. In the mean time pray much for me and believe me to remain ever you very affectionate daughter
Mary D. Huntington.
Dearest Mother
Your letter I received this noon. Like all your other letters it gladdened and comforted my heart, by the piety and sympathy which it breathed.
My sentiments with regard to coming to the communion are in unison with your own, as you will perceive by my last letter to you, which I hope [and?] this, you have received. You ask if it would not be advisable for me to accompany cousin for a line to the Lords table. If I know my own wishes upon the subject, I think I can truly say that I should think it would. But what I fear is, that I shall not be at home as soon as the first Sabbath in August. In case I should not, is there no way by which I could jour[ney] come forward to the Communion? If there can be any steps taken relative to this I should think it would like to know it as soon as you can let me know.
You ask me too, if I have not by this time discovered that nothing but the favor of God, and the Spirit of Christ’s religion, can satisfy me. I should be a poor learner indeed, if after all the dealings of God’s providence, I should continue as thoughtless as ever. Guilty as I am, and as far as I am from the right way, still I wish to be on the Lord’s side, and be numbered among his own peculiar people. Indeed to think of being an enemy to him who has laid down his life for us is enough to destroy all the comfort, for this life, and that which is to come. How I should enjoy a conversation with my friends now, upon these things. If you are all as usual at home, I imagine you are preparing to welcome the approach of another Sabbath. And though we are separated from each other, still I suppose our meditations upon the coming holy day will be similar. How consoling to think that the same [&?] mighty power and goodness encircles us all, though he is as high above us as to be invisible to our mortal eyes. As it is rather late I must bid you goodnight.
July 1 st Sabbath Evening. My dear mother I am have been spared to enjoy another Sabbath and am in comfortable health. Both parts of the day I have attended public worship, at Mr. Tucker’s church. We had an excellent discourse this morning, from these words, “Look unto me, and be ye saved,” all &.C. This afternoon the sacrament of the Lords Supper was administered. While they were celebrating this solemn rite, I could not but think with what feelings of I should for the first time approach my Saviours table, if I should be permitted to return home. Mrs. Willard has made some alteration with regard to the examination, intending to have it earlier than before expected, but as I do not wish to enter largely into this subject this evening, suffice it to say, that my life and health are spared, and if you will send for me I shall hope to be at home by the first of Sabbath in August. If God in mercy should grant this, I should like at that time to make a public profession of my faith in Christ, if Mr. Stearns should think proper. It is the wish of my heart that in this solemn act, my brothers should join with me. As to the older ones I know it is not for me to advise them, but Frederic I feel as if I had more right to counsel, you said all that was necessary to us both last winter, and I can only say now that my opinions agree with those you expressed at that time. If we are all alive and well at the close of the term, it is my wish that I should be sent for, as the uncertainty respecting Elizabeth’s coming would make it rather unpleasant for me. Good night dear mother.
Monday, July 2 d . This morning Mrs. Willard informed the scholars that if nothing happens to prevent, the examination will commence three weeks precisely, from tomorrow which is the third. It is by her authority therefore that I say this. It is my wish that some one should come after me before the examination closes as it would be very desirable for me—providence permitting—to be at home by the first of August. This I think deserves to be taken into consideration. There is so much doubt about sister Elizabeth’s coming that I should not like it to have it depend upon this. You are aware my dear mother how irksome it is for young people to be obliged to [illegible—damaged]. I will leave it with you to persuade Father, and [illegible—damaged] as soon as possible the result. Mrs. W. told me at table this morning that I looked pale but my health is nearly as good as usual.
I hardly dare to look forward to the pleasures of going home. Every thing this side the grave is so uncertain that it seems wrong to calculate upon any thing of an earthly nature. It is nearly time for study hours to commence and I must say goodbye for the present.
Monday noon. I am a little disappointed at not receiving a letter, to day, but shall look for one tomorrow. I hope there will be no mistake about the time that the vacation commences. Mrs. Willard herself said that it the examination would begin the 25 th , and will probably last a week, this is to avoid having a great crowd, and so that the girls can leave a week sooner. Though the teachers most of them will remain probably the next week, still I do not think there will be a good opportunity to study, then. Does Is it your own ju[dgement] advice that I should wait for Elizabeth? If I am alive and well at that time, and if it is impossible for you to send for me, could you not give direc[tions?—damaged] for sending me home in the stage? How my pen as well as my thoughts run upon this. Pray for me that my mind may be staged upon the Rock of Ages, and that amid all the vicissitudes of the present would my heart may reprove itself upon God through Christ, and that I may have an unfailing portion in heaven.
Tuesday July 3 d . Mrs. W. told us this morning that there were reports of cases of C cholera in N. York and Fort Millar. She is going to call the trustees together this evening to consult with them. Do just as you think best about sending for me. She says she does not know but the parents had rather their children with them at such a time. May the Lord in mercy avert from us this terrible judgement. I hope if we are all alive and well I shall not fail of seeing some of our family after me before the first of August. Write soon and let me know your plans. In the mean time pray much for me and believe me to remain ever you very affectionate daughter
Mary D. Huntington.