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Geographic Information Systems

Mapping Geographically Named Data

Previous: Constructing and Sharing Maps
Following: Mapping Geographic Coordinate Data

Not all geographic data is in a GIS-ready format. Commonly it is in the form of a table of values assigned to named geographic features such as states or street addresses.



  1. Joining a Table to a Layer

  2. Saving a Copy of a Data Set

  3. Downloading Census Data

  4. Making a Census Excel File Compatible with ArcGIS

  5. Determining Map Layer Attribute Types

  6. Formatting Excel Data for Compatibility with ArcGIS

  7. Formatting Excel Cells for Compatibility with ArcGIS

  8. Making an Excel File Compatible with ArcGIS

  9. Geocoding a Table of Street Addresses

Getting Started

Since this tutorial will be using specific maps and data, the first step is to make your own copy of the tutorial data.

Set Up: Getting the Tutorial Data

  1. In the Windows Explorer, navigate to the network drive  K: (aka \\Software\Winsoft), open the folder  Maps, and then open the folder  Introduction to GIS.
  2. Drag the folder  mappingnames and its contents to either:
    1. your network drive  U:, e.g. into the folder  My Documents; or
    2. the local hard drive  C:, e.g. onto your Desktop.

The folder  mappingnames contains the following files:

 states.shp  stateinfo.xls  masstracts2000.shp  Holyoke Schools.xls

Since some — but not all — of the ArcGIS components have trouble handling names with spaces or special symbols, do not rename the folders or files.

Set Up: Initializing ArcMap and Adding the States Layer

  1. Start up the  ArcMap software (see Constructing and Sharing Maps for details).
  2. In the toolbar Standard, click on the button Add Data Icon Add Data.
  3. In the dialog Add Data, navigate into the folder  mappingnames; if necessary, make a new connection to it first (see Constructing and Sharing Maps for details).
  4. In the folder  mappingnames, click on the file  states.shp.
  5. Click on the button Add.

ArcMap will now display the map of the United States that we saw before:

Joining Named Tabular Data

When data is associated with geographically named regions, we can join it to an existing layer.

Geographically Named Data

Geographic data ideally comes in the form of a layer, which is a set of geographic features with attributes assigned to them. We've already seen examples of state polygons and city points, whose attribute tables associate these features with information such as area, population, etc.

Layers also include information about the geography of the features, so they can be immediately displayed as a map, as above. Recall that the details of the geography are hidden inside the Shape field:

Very often, however, you may obtain or create a table of data whose only geographic connections are a set of names, e.g. "Massachusetts", "Alabama", etc. In other words, it doesn't have a Shape field:

Fortunately, if you have access to a map layer that defines the same geographic regions with the same names, you can join your table to that layer. Joining essentially extends its attribute table with new fields (columns), which you can then use to symbolize it, etc.

Exercise: The Structure of an ArcGIS-Compatible Table

  1. In the Windows Explorer, navigate into the folder  mappingnames.
  2. Locate the file  stateinfo.xls, which is a Microsoft Excel workbook, and double-click on it to open it in Excel.
  3. Examine the workbook's structure:
    • The simple rectangular arrangement of the data;
    • The initial row containing the attribute names;
    • Subsequent rows each containing the data of one feature (called a record);
    • Each column containing a single attribute as it varies from feature to feature (called a field).
    • The worksheet names, e.g. Dates, in the tabs at the bottom of the window. You can have many worksheets in the same workbook.
  4. Close the workbook.

Besides Microsoft Excel XLS files, ArcGIS can also read tables in several other formats:

Comma-separated values files are simple text files with each field in the table separated by commas (if the data includes commas, the field value must be enclosed in double quotes).
Tab-separated values files are also simple text files, with each field in the table separated by tabs.
dBASE files are an old database format that are still used for Shapefile attribute tables.
Microsoft Access files are a newer database format.

All of these formats can also be read by Microsoft Excel (but it will only open TAB files directly if the extension is changed to TXT).

If you have data in these formats and are going to be making any changes with Excel, it's generally better to first save it as XLS; otherwise Excel will repeatedly complain about potential data loss when you save.

Warning: To successfully make use of tables, their file names should start with letters and afterwards include only letters, numbers, and underscores.

Joining Tables with a Geographic Name Attribute

As a simple example of joining, we'll use the data shown above:

  • the map layer  states.shp and its field STATE_NAME, and
  • the table  stateinfo and its field State.

Any map layer can have a table joined to it, as long as they have a matching attribute:

Procedure 1: Joining a Table to a Layer

  1. In  ArcMap, in the toolbar Standard, click on the button Add Data Icon Add Data.
  2. In the dialog Add Data, navigate into the folder with the table to be joined, e.g.  mappingnames.
  3. Double-click on the table to be joined, e.g the Excel workbook  stateinfo.xls.
  4. Adding an Excel WorksheetIn ArcGIS dialogs, Excel workbooks are workspaces, meaning you can open them like folders and see an overview of their contents.

    In particular, they display their worksheets and named regions (discussed below) as separate "files".

    Worksheets all have a $ at the end of their names, as in the image at the right.

    If the join table is inside a workbook, double-click on it to see its contents, and then add the desired table to your map document by double-clicking on it, e.g.  Dates$.
  5. After adding a table, the Table of Contents will switch to the Source view; the reason is that a table by itself is not displayable on the map, and therefore won't show up in the Display view. You wil probably want to switch back to the latter, though, since it's simpler, by clicking on the tab Display.
  6. Join Data DialogIn the Table of Contents, right-click on the layer to be joined, e.g.  states.shp.
  7. The layer's contextual menu will now appear; select the menu item Joins and Relates, followed by the menu item Join....
  8. In the dialog Join Data, in the menu What do you want to join to this layer?, make sure that Join attributes from a table is selected.
  9. In the menu 1. Choose the field in this layer that the join will be based on:, select the field STATE_NAME.
  10. In the menu 2. Choose the table to join to this layer, or load the table from disk:, select the table to be joined, e.g.  Dates$.
  11. In the menu 3. Choose the field in the table to base the join on:, select the field State.
  12. Click on the button OK.

Alternative: Rather than use the "internal join" described above in Steps 1-5 and 10, you can directly join an external table in Step 10 by clicking on the button Document Open Browse; this is a slightly easier one-step process.

However, this "external join" has the disadvantage that you won't get error messages describing incompatibilities in your table. It also obscures the location of the table from the ArcMap user, and if the map document loses track of it you can't see its path to help you find it again to fix the join.

To see the results of the joining tables procedure, try out the new attributes:

Exercise: Working with a Joined Table

  1. In the Table of Contents, right-click on the layer  states.shp and select the menu item  Open Attribute Table.

  2. Examine the attribute table's structure: the fields from the shapefile are now immediately followed by the fields from the joined table.
  3. Right-click on one of the field headers, e.g. State, to bring up its contextual menu, and select the menu item Properties… .
  4. In the dialog Field Properties, note that the visible field name is just an alias, and the actual field name begins with the table name, e.g. Date$, followed by a period.

    This field-name prefix ensures that there are no conflicts between fields from the joined tables that might have the same name.

    Note that Alias: is editable, so you can use it to change a field name if you think it could be more descriptive; it has fewer restrictions on length and characters than the actual name.
  5. Close the dialog Field Properties and then the attribute table.
  6. Symbolize the layer with one of the quantitative fields from the joined table.
  7. Save the document by clicking on the button  Save.

Important Note: The additional fields from the joined table have not been permanently added to the map layer, just temporarily linked to it.

This means that if you move the table file or the map document to some other location, the map may no longer work because ArcMap could be looking in the wrong place for the table file.

When ArcMap can't find a file, it places a red exclamation point ! next to its name in the Table of Contents, and you can click on ! to start a dialog to relink it.

Once you've joined a layer and a table, sometimes you may want to save the result as a new shapefile with a merged attribute table:

Procedure 2: Saving a Copy of a Data Set

  1. In ArcMap Icon ArcMap, in the Table of Contents, right-click on the name of the layer, e.g.  states.
  2. In the layer's contextual menu, point at the menu item Data, then in the submenu that appears click on the menu item Export Data….
  3. In the dialog Export Data, in the menu Export, make sure that All features is selected.
  4. Near the text field Output shapefile or feature class:, click on the button Document Open Browseto navigate to an appropriate location for the new data set, e.g. the folder mappingnames, and give it a descriptive name, e.g. states_and_dates.shp. Remember that file names should start with letters and afterwards include only letters, numbers, and underscores
  5. Click on the button OK.
  6. The dialog ArcMap will now appear, asking if you want to add the exported layer to the map; click Yes or No.

One advantage of using joins is that you can more easily change the contents of the joined table.

However, many applications such as Excel won't allow you to edit the table if ArcGIS opened it first.

If you aren't changing the join attribute name, the simplest thing to do is quit ArcMap, edit the table, and reopen the map; the table will be rejoined as previously defined, with the new data.

Otherwise, you'll need to unjoin the table, remove it from ArcMap (if an internal join), edit it, re-add it to ArcMap, and rejoin it.

Mapping Census Data

An important example of data that is commonly joined to map layers comes from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Downloading Census Data

As another example of commonly available data that's geographically named, we'll work with some more census data. As you probably already know, every ten years there is a census that tries to obtain basic information from 100% of the U.S. population; this is the primary source of the data we looked at previously in the states layer. In addition, the U.S. Census Bureau provides many variations of this data, as well as the results of the annual American Community Survey that tracks detailed information from a small subset of the population. This data is in tables that you must join to existing layers.

We'll also use a type of geographic region that you might not be familiar with, census tracts. According to the Bureau, "Census tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county....Designed to be relatively homogeneous units with respect to population characteristics, economic status, and living conditions, census tracts average about 4,000 inhabitants."

Two smaller subdivisions of census tracts are also available, though we won't use them here. Census blocks are "the smallest geographic unit for which the Census Bureau tabulates 100-percent data....Many blocks correspond to individual city blocks bounded by streets, but blocks — especially in rural areas — may include many square miles." Census block groups are just that, and are the smallest region available for some sensitive attributes such as income.

Set Up: Adding a Census Tract Layer

  1. In  ArcMap, click on the button  New Map File.
  2. Click on the button Add Data Icon Add Data.
  3. In the dialog Add Data, navigate into the folder  mappingnames.
  4. In the folder  mappingnames, click on the file  masstracts2000.shp.
  5. Click on the button Add.

ArcMap will now display a map of the Year 2000 census tracts in Massachusetts:

If you right-click on the layer  masstracts2000 and select the menu item  Open Attribute Table, you should see the following:

The census tracts are uniquely named by their FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code, which begins with the two-digit state code, followed by the three-digit county code, and finally the tract code. We can use this identifier to join other census data to this layer.

Be aware that census tracts change from decade to decade. The Census Bureau provides cartographic boundary shapefiles for its online data (including other regions such as congressional districts and metropolitan statistical areas) at

The Census Bureau also lets you download much of their data from As an example, we'll map some sampled poverty data from the latest census.

Procedure 3: Downloading Census Data

  1. If necessary, start up a web browser:
    1. Click on the menu Start Menu Icon Start.
    2. Point at the menu item All Programs.
    3. Locate your preferred web browser,  Firefox or  Internet Explorer, and click on it.
  2. In your web browser, visit the web address
  3. On the left side of the web page Census Bureau Home Page, click on the link American Factfinder.
  4. The web page American Factfinder has several useful links that let you explore census data on-line. In particular, the link About the Data provides general information about the Census Bureau's data and how it's collected and structured. Two links, Data Sets and Download Center, let you download data immediately, but the former is simpler to use.

  5. On the left side of the web page American Factfinder, click on the link Data Sets. By default the subpage Decennial Census should be selected, as well as the tab for the most recent year available (in this case Census 2000):
  6. Further down the web page Decennial Census, in the button group 2000, click on the button Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) - Sample Data:
  7. To the right under the heading Select from the following:, click on the link Detailed Tables.
  8. In the web page Select Geography, in the list Choose a selection method, the list item list should be selected. In the menu Select a geographic type, choose the menu item Census Tract.
  9. In the menu Select a state, choose the menu item Massachusetts.
  10. In the menu Select a county, select the menu item Hampden County.
  11. In the menu Select one or more geographic areas, select the menu item All Census Tracts.
  12. Click on the button Add ▼.
  13. Click on the button Next ▶.
  14. In the web page Select Tables, in the list Choose a table selection method, click on the list item by subject.
  15. In the menu Select a subject, under the heading ==== Economic Characteristics ====, choose the menu item .... Poverty (Families and Individuals).
  16. Click on the button Search.
  17. In the list Select one or more tables, click on the list item P87. Poverty Status in 1999 by Age.
  18. Click on the button Add ▼.
  19. Click on the button Show Result ▶.
  20. On the web page Detailed Tables, point at the menu Print/Download, and then select the menu item Download.
  21. On the web page Detailed Tables ▶ Download, in the button group Select download options, under the heading Database compatible (data rows only), click on the button Microsoft Excel (.xls).

    The Microsoft Excel file format is used here because this program makes it relatively easy to view and modify data tables. It can also be read directly by ArcGIS (as of version 9.2). Comma-separated values (CSV) is probably the next best format if you don't have Excel.
  22. Verify that the checkbox Include descriptive data element names is selected, and click on the button OK.
  23. The data will be downloaded as a single compressed file named; locate this file, open it, and drag its contents to the folder  mappingnames. The ZIP file contains four files; the actual data is in the file dt_dec_2000_sf3_u_data1.xls.

You may have noticed in this last procedure that the Census Bureau only has data online starting in 1990. If you want data and boundary files from earlier years, visit the National Historical Geographic Information System at, which provides a similar system.

Joining Census Data

Once you've downloaded this data, double-click on the file dt_dec_2000_sf3_u_data1.xls to open it automatically in  Excel and inspect its contents:

You might have noticed that the column labeled GEO_ID2, the second "Geography Identifier", is the same attribute as the FIPS number in the attribute table of the layer  masstracts2000. We may therefore use these two fields to join the tables together. However, we must first make two changes to the file to make it compatible with ArcGIS:

Procedure 4: Making a Census Excel File Compatible with ArcGIS

  1. The descriptive labels in the second row of a Census Excel file are important for understanding the meaning of the attributes. However, they are too complex to be used as column headers by ArcGIS, so we will use the first row instead. Because column headers must be immediately above the data, we will swap the first two rows:
    1. In the application  Excel, click on the row header 1, just to the left of the column header GEO_ID.
    2. Select the menu Edit, and then click on the menu item Cut.
    3. Click on the row header 3.
    4. Select the menu Insert, and then click on the menu item Cut Cells. This should put the column header GEO_ID into the cell A2.
  2. Because we are retaining the descriptive labels in the worksheet, there will be non-table data present. We must therefore name the region of cells covered by the table, and use that name when joining, instead of the worksheet name (here called Sheet0).
    1. Click and hold on the cell in the first row and first column of the table, the cell A2 containing the column header GEO_ID.
    2. Select the entire table by dragging down and to the right, until you reach the cell in the last row and column of the table.
    3. Click in the Name Box that's located above column A, type a descriptive name, e.g. Poverty, and press the key Enter. Note that spaces, numbers, and most special characters aren't allowed in these names.

    Named cell references are known everywhere inside a workbook, including within other worksheets. Names can be added and deleted by selecting the menu Insert, followed by the submenu Name, and then clicking on the menu item Define....

  3. Select the menu File, and then click on the menu item Save.

To see the results of the Making Census File Compatible procedure, try out the new attributes:

Exercise: Working with a Census Table in ArcGIS

  1. Follow Procedure 1 and join the census table dt_dec_2000_sf3_u_data1.xls to the layer  masstracts2000 using the fields GEO_ID2 and FIPS, respectively.
  2. Symbolize the layer with one of the quantitative fields from the second layer, e.g. P087002 (Population for whom poverty status is determined: Income in 1999 below poverty level), normalized by P087001 (Population for whom poverty status is determined: Total).

Formatting Tables for Joins

While joining tables may appear straightforward, they need to be in a certain format to ensure success.

Making Attribute Fields Compatible

Before joining two tables using a particular attribute, it's generally a good idea to ascertain the data type of that attribute in the layer's table. The reason is that not only the join attribute's values but also its type must be compatible in the two tables, and appearances can be deceiving.

For example, the POP2000 number in the attribute table for  masstracts2000 may appear to be an integer but it could actually be text or a real number.

The following table describes the most common data types.

Some Common ArcGIS Attribute Data Types

Data Type Value Represented Minimum Value Maximum Value Maximum Significant Digits/Characters
Short Integer number
Long Integer number
Float Real number
-3.4 x 1038
1.2 x 1038
Double Real number
-2.2 x 10308
1.8 x 10308
Text String of characters

Procedure 5: Determining Map Layer Attribute Types

  1. In ArcMap Icon ArcMap, in the Table of Contents, double-click on the layer of interest, e.g.  masstracts2000.
  2. In the dialog Layer Properties, click on the tab Fields:
  3. In the list of fields, scroll down until you find the attribute name you are interested in joining, and note its type.

We can see in the image above that the data type of the FIPS attribute in  masstracts2000 is Text.

Question: Could it be another type?

To use this attribute to join an Excel table, the corresponding attribute data type must also be Text. If you look at this Excel table and the join field we used, GEO_ID2, you'll note the little green flag in the upper left corner of each cell; it indicates that the numbers are actually formatted as text. (Hint: this can also be ascertained from their alignment on the left; Excel aligns numbers on the right.)

Procedure 6: Formatting Excel Data for Compatibility with ArcGIS

  1. In the application  Excel, click on the column header of the data whose format you want to change, e.g. A (you can also click and drag over specific cells in that column to select them).
  2. Select the menu Format, and then click on the menu item Cells....
  3. In the dialog Format Cells, click on the tab Number.
  4. In the list Category, you can choose a numbe of different formats:
  5. If you want the data to be treated as text, select Text.
  6. If you want the data to be treated as integers, select Number, and then change the number of Decimal Places: to 0.
  7. If you want the data to be treated as real numbers, select Number, and then change the number of Decimal Places: to a value that matches the data in the map layer's join attribute. Note: because of rounding errors, joining real data should be avoided.
  8. Click on the button OK.
  9. In the menu File, select Save. If necessary, change the name of the file so that it starts with a letter and afterwards include only letters, numbers, and underscores.

Another formatting incompatibility to be aware of is that the content of a cell in the Excel join column cannot wrap, i.e. it must all be on one line, and cells in the table shouldn't be merged cells, either.

Procedure 7: Formatting Excel Cells for Compatibility with ArcGIS

  1. In the application  Excel, click on the column header of the data whose format you want to change, e.g. A (you can also click and drag over specific cells in that column to select them).
  2. Select the menu Format, and then click on the menu item Cells....
  3. In the dialog Format Cells, click on the tab Alignment.
  4. In the section Text Control, if necessary turn off the checkbox Wrap Text.
  5. Also, if necessary, turn off the checkbox Merge Cells. Note: this may produce empty cells that misalign your data, so some clean-up may be necessary.
  6. Click on the button OK.
  7. In the menu File, select Save. If necessary, change the name of the file so that it starts with a letter and afterwards include only letters, numbers, and underscores.

More generally, the data in the two join columns must match exactly. In particular, watch out for extra spaces between words and at the beginning and end of data.

Summary: Making an Excel File Compatible with ArcGIS

While Microsoft Excel can make it easy to manipulate data tables, it also has its own way of doing things with which you'll need to be familiar to make extensive use of it. Such use is outside of the scope of this class, but if you follow the recommendations below, your data tables should be compatible with ArcGIS.

Procedure 8: Making an Excel File Compatible with ArcGIS

Generally speaking there are five things you need to do to make Excel data compatible with ArcGIS: name it properly, create a row of field names, below that arrange your data in a plain rectangular array, name the table, and make sure the join fields match. Below are general descriptions of how to do this.

  1. Name the file: it should start with a letter and afterwards include only letters, numbers, and underscores.
  2. Create a row of field names:
    1. The very first row in a table must contain unique names for each column. Usually they will in some way describe the attribute that will be in that field, e.g. Population, ZipCode, etc.
    2. Field names must begin with letters, and after that can contain letters, numbers, or the underscore _ . They cannot contain other special characters such as the period . or hypen -, or spaces (and be careful that you don't have any spaces at the beginning or end of the names, too!). Note that field names are also case sensitive (upper and lower case letters are distinguished). If your joined data appears as <null>, then check the field names for an illegal character.
    3. Field names cannot be one of a long list of reserved words, e.g. All. If your joined data appears as <null>, then check the field names against this list.
    4. For some types of joined tables, field names must be ten characters or less, though in other types you can use up to 64 characters. It's a good idea to use short names in any case.
  3. Arrange your data in a plain rectangular array:
    1. Every map feature, such as a state or city, must have its data in a single row.
    2. Every column/field should contain the same kind of information for each feature, e.g. all population values should be in a single column. Blanks are allowed if particular data is missing. Also make sure the values have a consistent data type, e.g. all text, all integers, or all real numbers.
    3. All record and feature data must be contiguous, i.e. there must be no other data or blank rows or columns separating the data, and it must begin immediately below the field name row.
  4. Name the table:
    1. If you have non-table data in the cells around your table, e.g. explanatory notes, you'll want to select just the range of cells covered by the table and give it a unique name.
    2. If you don't have any other data in the worksheet besides your table, and it begins in cell A1, then the table can be referenced by its worksheet name. It's highly recommended that you change the worksheet name to something more illuminating than Sheet0. Whatever name it has, ArcGIS will see it with a $ at the end, e.g. Sheet0$, indicating that it's using the entire contents of the worksheet.
    3. Unlike field names, worksheet and cell range names have few restrictions like those described in (1)(b) above. However, names with spaces and special characters in them will appear with single quotes around them, e.g. 'My Sheet$'.
  5. Make sure the join fields match:
    1. Make sure the data types in the join fields are compatible: both text, both integers, or both real numbers.
    2. Make sure the Excel join field doesn't wrap its text and doesn't have any merged cells.
    3. Make sure the values in the two join fields match exactly, e.g. there are no extra spaces, variations in case, etc.
    4. The two tables don't need to have the same number of records, e.g. some features could be missing in one table or the other. If the map layer is missing a record that appears in the join table, the latter will be ignored, and if the join table is missing a record that appears in the map layer, its values will appear as <Null>.

Geocoding Street Addresses

Street addresses can be geographically located when you have a special street layer and a geocoder.

Street Addresses

Geographic data often comes in the form of a table of street addresses, for example of schools or businesses, along with attributes describing them such as their name, purpose, etc.:

Geocoding Linear InterpolationA full street address includes a street number, street name, city, state, and zip code. Like other geographically named data, street names can be associated with a street layer to get a very rough location. To get a more accurate position, we need to know where the street numbers fall along the street.

If a street layer contains details about which addresses lie within which blocks, it can be used with a program called a geocoder to place the addresses on the map as points along the streets. Address locations will be approximate, because only a block's beginning and ending addresses are usually provided, and others are linearly interpolated along the street (see the block at the right, which places the address 317). In addition, street layers have varying degrees of accuracy.

Street layers are commonly available from cities and towns as well as commercial entities. The ArcGIS software suite comes with the collection ESRI Data and Maps, which includes the commercial package called Street Atlas North America, and a geocoder that works with it.

Set Up: Adding the Street Atlas Layer

  1. In  ArcMap, in the toolbar Standard, click on the button Add Data Icon Add Data.
  2. In the dialog Add Data, make a new connection to the folder  K:\Maps (see Constructing and Sharing Maps for details). This network folder is where Amherst College stores a large amount of data for use in maps.
  3. Navigate into the folder  ArcGIS Books-n-Data\ESRI Data & Maps 2008\streetmap_na.
  4. Click on the file  StreetMap North America.lyr. This is a layer file, which references data in one or more additional files, along with information about how to symbolize them.
  5. Click on the button Add.
  6. You will now see the dialog Geographic Coordinate System Warning; you don't have to worry about this for now, so click on the button Close.
  7. Click on the button  Zoom In, and click-and-drag a rectangle around the City of Holyoke (north of Springfield and I-90, east of I-91).
  8. In the Table of Contents, turn off and back on the layer  StreetMap North America by clicking on the checkbox to the left of its name, and notice the relationship of the two data sets.

Let's now geocode a set of addresses using Street Atlas' street information:

Procedure 9: Geocoding a Table of Street Addresses

  1. In  ArcMap, click on the menu Tools, then select the submenu Geocoding, followed by the menu item  Geocode Addresses….
  2. The dialog  Choose an Address Locator to use… will appear with a list of address locator databases. If this is first time you've geocoded this list will be empty, and you'll need to choose the correct encoder for the street address database format:
    1. Click on the button Add….
    2. Geocoding Setup Dialog In the dialog Add Address Locator, navigate into the folder  K:\Maps\ArcGIS Books-n-Data\ESRI Data & Maps 2008\streetmap_na\data.
    3. Double-click on the file  Street_Addresses_US.
  3. Continuing in the dialog  Choose an Address Locator to use…, click on the button OK.
  4. In the dialog Geocode Addresses: Street_Addresses_US, the menu Address table: might already list your data set if you've previously added it. Otherwise:
    1. Click on the button Document Open Browse and navigate into the folder with the table to be joined, e.g.  mappingnames.
    2. Double-click on the table to be joined, e.g the Excel workbook  Holyoke Schools.xls.
    3. In the workbook, double-click on a sheet or a named region, e.g.  HolyokeSchools.
  5. Continuing in the dialog Geocode Addresses: Street_Addresses_US, verify that the Address Input Fields match the correct ones in your data table.
  6. Make sure the Output shapefile or feature class: is an appropriately named and located file, e.g. HolyokeSchools.shp in the folder  mappingnames.
  7. Click on the button OK.
  8. Geocoding Addresses DialogThe dialog Gecoding Addresses… will now appear and provide a summary of the geocoding. It will tell you how many of the addresses in the table were matched, tied, or unmatched (e.g. if a zip code is incorrect it may end up tied with a slightly different street name).
  9. If you have not matched all of the records (very common), you may want to look at how the matches are made. Click on the button Rematch; the dialog Interactive Rematch will appear. It lists each record and gives it a score from 0 - 100 judging the quality of the match. You can use this dialog to interactively improve the match, e.g. by correcting bad data or choosing a more likely address (N.B. sometimes the geocode database can be wrong, too!).
  10. Geocoding Interactive Rematch Dialog

    This dialog can be recalled later by clicking on the menu Tools, then selecting the submenus Geocoding and Review/Rematch Addresses, and finally clicking on the menu item Geocoding Result: ….

  11. When you are finished matching, click on the button Close.
  12. The resulting data will be added to the map with a distinguishing name, e.g. Geocoding Result: HolyokeSchools.

Geocoded Holyoke Schools on the map

Note that these points on the map are created relative to Street Atlas' description of the streets; this may differ from other descriptions, e.g. the local Planning Department may have more accurate data, while an old map may be less accurate.

Previous: Constructing & Sharing Maps

Mapping Geographically Named Data

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