Chit Chat Nelson Seeds ad (detail)

Advertisement for Nelson Seeds in Chit Chat magazine. A periodical published by William Little and full of Long Continent news.

This horticultural catalogue from the boys' imaginary world concludes with explicit instructions for mail orders, and an address:

All things sent By Express. WHEN SENDING. If in silver do up in paper so that it will not ware out we take silver. stamps or checks
W.J. Little
    Forest County
           Little City

 Mummy wheat--a plant that seems to pass from one world to another--evokes the way seeds move between the boys' New Hampshire and imaginary lands. Like the Nelson brothers, the fictional William Little sells plants from his own Long Continent catalogue, and Chit Chat, a periodical published by William Little, includes ads for the Nelson brothers' seeds--locating Walter Nelson's farm in NP (New Poplington).


The Outlook, a Family Paper (August, 1894)

The Nebraska Seed Co. Catalog  (1899)

American Gardening (1889)

Kenneth B. Kidd, "Farming for Boys," Making American Boys: Boyology and the Feral Tale. U of Minnesota Press, 2004.