Nelson Family Juvenilia
Box 1 Folder 25
The Intellectual Farmer, April - n.d.



Devoted to farming, gardening, and fruit growing

Terms…… 1
Farm notes…… 1
The New Derry Harrow…… 2
New Poplington News…… 3
Lady Nell Straw Berry…… 4
Condensed News…… 5
Ignotum Tomato…… 6
Everbearing Cucumber…… 7
Advertisements…… 8

Published by Nelson Bros. & Co. Goshen
Sul. Co. Farmington

[Blank page]

The Intellectual Farmer


50 cents a year
25 “ for six months

Farm Notes

Now is your time to repair you carts and other tools

The Tom Thumb popcorn is now all the rage in the market there being twice as much of this one variety alone sold as there is of all the other varities together

It is estimated that there is about 80 million peanut plants up so soon on L.C. and its provinces

The experiment stations at New Poplington are to give the new novelty vegetable peach a thorough trial

The Liliputing King watermelon is becoming quite a favorite in the N.P. market

Buy yourself a derry harrow they are the cheapest and do the best service

Lookout for the drouth this year

[Page Break] The New Derry Harrow

This is a new article only being introduced in 1894 it concists of a row of about 40 steel spikes set about 2 inches apart. The spikes being about 1 foot long to this is atached a swinging pole or sharues to which the team is hitched the pole being allowed to swing only up and down. On the harrow there is a pair of handles like those on a culpuation which are held together by an iron rod. From the hole comes an iron rod on the under side of which is a row of half round notches [diagram] which hooks over this rod thus allowing you to set it as you like figure two in diagram represents rod. Anyone can do as they like about holding onto the handles as it will go dust as well with out that trouble

[diagram with caption: “showing how to get it in deep”]

[Page break] we cheerfully reccomend this kind of harrow to any one wanting to buy one as we think this is the best one ever invented the Farmington Machine Company. Farmington F.F. sell them send for circulars.


New Poplington News

We have 20 or 30 million water melon plants up now who can beat that. Sand Island has got to get LG. ft this time

There has been a monster water tank put up in Pinery Country for the benefit of the farmers and the [illustration] Allenstown and Perry Railroads

Go and take a look at the sun flowers in Kings Country there are more than 50 million of hills up now

Our currents goose berries black berries raspberries cherries plums and apple trees are looking well we prophesy a good crop

June 1 we had a good sharp thunder shower here

[Page break] Lady Nell Strawberry

The berry for the world.

It promises to be the best berry in cultivation says W.H.M. The Lady Nell strawberry seems to be adapted for most any kind of soil or climate the long and fibrous roots penetrate the ground so deeply that it enables the plant to stand seasons of severe drought and all so to maintain the enormous crops which it yields it flourishes an bears better on light dry soil than most berries

A W Nelson & Co were the first ones to introduce this largest and hardiest variety of strawberries they produce stout stems with large clusters of beautiful berries the large size glossy crimson scarlet berries are very regular in size an shape and color up evenly all over firm in flush and a remarkably rich delicious strawberry flavor we cheerfully reccomend this strawberry as the best for the main crop large size plants 5 cents apiece. Small 2 for 5 cents

A W Nelson Nursery Man
Sunny Shore F.C.

[Page break] W.R. Nelson has discovered a new tree black berry which promises great worth he offers 100 dollars for the best name for it

Condensed News

UNITED DIVISION - The Tom Thumb popcorn introduced by Nelson Bros is taking the lead now. Allens store having bought 5,000 dollars worth this year

Red Ville is one of the largest water stations in the world

The new Red Raspberry Royal Church advertised by E.H. Nelson is a very promising sort

The farmers are trimming up their trees now

The fruit trees near Birch Park are looking hard this spring owing to the severe frost

The latest report tells us that there are 130 million hills of peanuts up now on the farms of L.C. & R.C. people

SAND ISLAND - about 130 millions peanut plants up on Sand Island

Our planting is most done

The Sand Island standing army are beginning to bloom out in new suits

DIXVILLE. Strawberried looking fine a good crop is expected

The farmers are having to fight hard to save their small fruit from the ants

Very rainy here so far this week

[Page break] [Illustration of Casey. Sunnyshore] Casey Village has been changed to Casey City it has a thousand inhabitant


This grand new sort was discovered by Mr. Ferris of Hulkton and when placed on exibition at the state fair held at Dunkirk in competition with 170 different kinds received the highest rewards over all others at the Ferndale experimental station. The ignotum was pronounsed the best out of over seventy different kinds on trial. The ignotum is among the first to ripen and much superior to any of the others not only in uniformity of size and handsome appearance but also so in sollidity of flesh productivenes and fine quality. Their shape is all that can be desired as will be seen by the accompanying illustration their color is a rich cardinal red they are as solid and as smooth as an apple. With few seeds ripen up evenly and all over and never crack rot or speck we have never seen such a handsome variety as the Ignotum.

[Page break] For private families trackers or canners it positively is the best tomato yet introduced we have seen many sorts [illustration of Ignotum tomato] which we would speak highly of but none quite so good as the ignotum which is ahead of the early ruby zebra earliest of all or any variety we could name



This new variety will prove very useful on account of its everbearing character the first cucumbers are ready very early then the vines bear
[Illustration of cucumber with caption: “continue to flower and produce fruit”]

[Page break] Continuously untill killed by frost whether the ripe cucumbers are picked off or not. Differing in this respect from all other sorts in cultivation they are remarkably solid with few seeds and of a fine quality both for slicing and pickling.

E. H. N.


Our senior hand bean planters are a new thing and they are a good thing. They only cost 3.00 apiece any farmer can afford one
Farmington Machine Co.
Farmington F.C.

The Sunny Shore Record 1.20 a year published by Kirk & Co. Sunnyshore Dixville
Send for sample


Send for free catalogue of arimoters
Arimoter Co. Trappers City Forest Continent

Floweret muzzle loading shot guns are the best only $1.25
Floweret Sporting Co. Littleton F.C.

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