Nelson Family Juvenilia
Box 1 Folder 49
War News, 1895 January 29 - 1895-01-29

[Cover Page] Jan 29 1895. 5 cents

WAR. NEWS. [header on each page]

Embracing War News & Topics of the Times

Published by
The War News Pub Co.
Picnic City

And from behind the great ships rail
The cannon balls rattled and crashed like hail

[Page break] CONTENTS
[Column 1] Stories & News
Great B.C. Telescope, The
A Queer stove
A Fortune in Traps
A Battle at Sea
A Great Sale
An Iron Clad Destroyer
A Dynamite Cartridge
100 More B.C. Engines
A Great Skier
W. Little 45 Years Old
Nelson Bros Indexing Seeds

Entrance to Twin Pass Fort
The Great Telescope no.1
The Lower End of the Telescope
“ Curious Stove
“ New Torped[o] Slinger
“ New Bomb
“ Engine the Lumbercar
“ Stock Car
Jimmys Skies
Jimmy Allen

[Page break] WAR. NEWS
For all who are interested in war
Also those who are sportsmen
And boatmen because it tells
All about the latest inventions of the age

War News Pub. Co. Picnic City. B.C.

[Page break] [illustration of the entrance to Twin Pass Fort no. 1]

[Page break] [Illustration]
The War News

The Great B.C. Telescope

The great monarch telescope at Picnic City B.C. is mounted already for shipment to N.P. to be set up under a solid-steel roof on top of the great tower at Allenstown the great foundation upon which the telescope rests is made of the best B.C. granite and marble [page break] riveted together by great iron rods. The telescope is made of the finest brass and the best steel the machinery and mountings are made of the best Norfolk steel. The [crossed-out word] telescope is sixty feet long with a fifty inch objective and telescope and mountings weigh 2 ½ tons but for all this length and weight it is balanced with the finest accuracy even the [illustration with caption: “The Lower End of the Telescope”] smallest bolt and screw on common machinery are goliaths to these minute threads and wires the lenses are made of the best Twin Pass plate glass and even the smallest stars can be seen with this monster it has taken three years for completion and its cost is $1,000,000. There are many visitors at the great shop where it is kept and great is the wonder of the people that such a monster could have been made by human hands the telescope is operated by Professor Atwood of B.C. who was educated at the Hapry City astronomical college.

A Queer Stove

In the museum at Hapry City is a curious kind of stove the Arctic Esquamaux use it consists of a [illustration with caption: “The Curious Stove”] large tin pan brought there for the purpose of trading in this pan is fastened by a wire a peice of stove pipe so as to make a draught in the pan a fire is, build and over the fire is laid along flat stone long enough to reach both sides of the pan. On this stone is laid fish and bread which they want to cook this is fixed for cooking fine things which they do not want to smoke all up. It was brought here by Captain H.F. Nelson of the B.C. Nacy.

A Fortune in Traps

There has been 50,000 dollars worth of double spring traps sold to Round Continent from Long Continent they have been manufactured at Long Continent and amongst them are bear traps fox traps & muskrat traps they are a fine lot of traps and are just fitted for the Round Continent people they are made of finely pampered steel with heavy jaws

A Battle at Sea

A great ship sailed oer the salty brine
And flying from the mast was the L.C. ensign

The ship was sound and swift
As good a boat as ever was lift
By the curling wave

She sailed and sailed for many a day
And at last sighted a ship far far away

“Sail Ho” the man at the masthead cried
“Hurrah” “for our ship the captains pride”

But soon they found to their grief and dismay
They had run onto a B.C. man anchored in their way

[Page break] And from behind the B.C. ships rail
The cannon balls rattled and crashed like hail

And in one short half hour the L.C. hull was lower
And water came in at every pore

Soon the victorious party came aboard
And found of cannons quite a horde

They towed their prize into the port
And were received with honor at the fort

E.F. Allen


This great magazine the greatest of its kind in all the country costs just $2.00 which is very cheap for all the reading matter it contains it is just the paper for all kinds of people

A Great Sale

W R Nelson Seedsman the world renowned seed grower has sold out to Nelson Bros who have a great seed farm already. The sale came off Monday of last week everything was sold except the seed farm and house the seeds went at a high price being sold for $30,000. But his customers can send for his catalogue for he is up and has quite a variety of seeds already he has started up his seed farm with a vigor hardly equaled in the history of modern seedgrowers he has already spend $2,000 on paper for making packages and has also spent $1000 on seeds he will soon be crowding on Nelson Bros heels with his seed house packed full of seeds.

[Page break] An Iron Clad Destroyer

Long Continent again excels in inventions this time it is an iron clad destroyer that consists of a boat 80 feet long by 15 feet wide.

[illustration with caption: “The New Torped[o] Slinger “Stutgart”]

Its name is the “Stutgart” and has two electric batteries the electricity being generated by steel springs the same as the “City of Dunkirk” there is an electric cord which when pulled fires of[f] a cannon which shoots a dynamite cartridge onto the desk of an iron clad which exploding sends the boat to the bottom the torped[o] boat then recoils and goes back to land to be loaded up again.

A Dynamite Cartridge

Big Continent is not going to be left behind in inventions so it has manufactured a dynamite

[illustration with caption: “The New Bomb”]

cartridge 1 foot long by 3 inches in diameter and explodes one pound of dynamite at every firing is is end is fastened an iron ball and in the other paper is put in and then glued in solid the fuse runs down straight through the paper it then crosses through the powder and is corked [page break] up at the end when the powder is exploded it shoots the iron ball straight through everything it meets the wading also catches afire and spreads destruction where-ever it drops.

100 More Big Continent Engines

There are 100 Big Continent engines being made at Big Continent they are the same pattern as the Big one at Picnic City it is so handy to have steam engines on our steam boats that we cannot give up the opportunity of making some while it lasts. They are about 25 and thirty five feet high some are all done while others are just commenced they are fine engines nickeled and polished up with the greatest skill there has been one railroad engine and two cars made already the cars are 1 stock car and 1 lumber car the engine

[illustration with caption: “The Engine”]

[illustration with caption: “The Lumber Car”]

[illustration with caption: “The Stock Car”]

is a fine one made up in first class style the line belongs to the “old colony line” it runs from Norfolk to Coast Range City no. 2. Then onto Coast Range no. 1.

[Page break] A Great Skier

Jimmy Allen aged 12 is the champion skier of the world he stands 5 feet 1 inch and weighs ninety one pounds he is an athletic looking young fellow with good strong muscles and a steady nerve he wears a blue jacket cut square at the bottom with a pair of blue short pants and a pair of long legged duck legging with a red sash and red toboggan cap his

[illustration with caption: “Jimmys Skies”]

Skies are eight feet long and are turned up at the end with a red wooden ball on the end of the skies sides and tops are painted white the bottoms being left unpainted so that they will polish and be slippery.

[illustration with caption: “Jimmy Allen”]

The skies are made of white maple and are three inches wide by one inch thick the greatest skier on Long Continent is Jack Little, William Littles son. It is said that the old men that play games are getting beaten by the young ones and in no sport is it more noticeable than in skieing the older experts are skieing are not as skillful as the younger experts and Jimmy Allen is the one this time to win his laurels.

[Page break] WJ Little

45 Years Old

William J Little was 45 years old Jan 25 1895 and the event was appreciatly celebrated. In the morning the cannon in the fort at Little City thundered out and at this signal all the shipping in the lake run up their colors and fired their guns William Little came out upon the balcony of his residence and made a befitting speech and amid the wild cheers of the people he bowed and left the balcony. In the after noon he gave a public banquet everybody was invited William Litt[l]e himself sat at the head of the central table dressed in full uniform and presided at the feat it was a fine success and everybody was satisfied. William Little is one of the public spirited men of L.C. helping along all the charitable societies and many a man would say in his heart Long Live Gen Little

Nelson Bros Indexing Their Seeds

Nelson Bros the well known seed firm finding they had a lot of seeds have set about indexing them, They have an awful lot of them about eleven thousand three hundred kinds they are honest well known seeds men and we are very glad to praise up their names in the “War News”

[Page break] Condensed News of the Week

There has been quite a snowstorm here last week
The new bomb was tried at Picnic city it is a success
Our new telescope is a fine one

William Little is 45 years old
William Little received a fine oil painting from his mother his birthday
The “Stutgart” has been a great wonder to the people
There has been quite a lot of snow fallen

There has been quite a lot of snow fallen on Round Continent
The R.C. corn crop has not been heavy
We own a lot of traps

Ethan Allen has been visiting Sand Island last week
William Little has been at Sand Island two weeks
There has been a small part of Round Continenters visiting Sand Island

There has been a party of skiers passed through Allenstown they say the N.P. crust is fine
There has been some U.D. boys on sleds passed through here
There has been quite a lot of snow fallen about two feet
Jimmy Allen the great skiest crossed NP on skies stopping at the farm houses by the road he related a good many adventures

A party of Big Continenters on skies passed along the top of Trappers Mts.
[Page break] The railroad tunnel at Dugout was nearly blocked up last week
There has been a party of tourists from Long & Big Continent visiting the tunnel
There was quite a snow storm this week

[illustration with caption: “The new B.C. warship Norfolk. The largest warship afloat it carries 2 12 mile cannon & 2 10 mile and 114 other cannons”]

There has been a party of tourists from Long & Big Continent visiting the grand scenery of Trappers Mountains. They say they had a fine time.
There has been a party of New Poplingtoners on skies crossed United Division
There has been a party of United Divisioners visiting the Trappers Mountains this week

There has been a party of Big Continenters visiting the Tressle
The snow is nearly all blown of of the Trestle
There has been a party of United Divisioners have been visiting T.P.

President George Washington was at the Big Continent naval review he thinks it was fine

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