Nelson Family Juvenilia
Box 1 Folder 22
History of the Wourld - n.d.

[cover page]
History of the Wourld by Arthur W Nelson

[inside text]
History of the Wourld
In the olderntimes every body lived on the black Archipelago in the year 1887 most of Grassination was discovered mostely on Big Continent then a river and a pond was discovered in Briar Wood then Granute Hill in Grassination then Coast Range and then Captain W. and his party discovered Long Mountain and Captain W discovered Nelsons River and in a little while the whole was discovered but Nelsons River was the prettiest of the lot. It was a deep still river. The pond came next it was full of fish and had three great islands in it then Captain A and Captain E started out on two schooners with their men they discovered Round Continent from one side to the other. Captain E discovered Winter River. Then they went to Long Continent and discovered moste of that all but up in the arc it [?] Bay Point is a wide and long point on Big Continent where the equator passis. It was a beautiful place with big palms trees and orange trees and big prickly caxtus [cactus] and allegators crocs and the hippopotamus stick their heads out of the watter. After a while Captain E and his party went around to Round Continent and pretty soon a sity [city] sprang up then Captain W went to Bay Point and a sity sprang up and every man found work on Granite Hill digging and splitting Granite. Pretty soon Captain A came back to Long Continent and a city sprang up there. Then a city sprang up on Big Continent in Zeon Grassington and the moste worked on the ledges getting isinglass. The rest went to work constructing a road then they built a railroad then the folks on Long Continent got mad at the folks on Big Continent and they had a fight. The folks on Long Island were called rebels. The rebels after some fighting captured Poplington then they tried to capture Grassington but Captain W drove them back.

[note: this is the halfway point of the physical book, but the rest of the pages have been left blank]